When you’re paying thousands of dollars to a service company, wouldn’t you think they could at least manage to arrive on time? How about, oh, I don’t know—a phone call saying they’ll be late? We did have a nice quiet…
The Geek Who Understands You
When you’re paying thousands of dollars to a service company, wouldn’t you think they could at least manage to arrive on time? How about, oh, I don’t know—a phone call saying they’ll be late? We did have a nice quiet…
We have nothing to do tonight. Not a thing. Nada. Zilch. That is an unbelievable relief! Katie has had four nights of dance every week since the fall. We’re all ready for a break! We’re going to have pizza, laze…
I got *maybe* two hours of sleep all Thursday night. That was verified by the monitoring tech. In fact, he came into the room around 3:30 and said, “Are you ever going to go to sleep?” Of course, I was…
You know that manicure I got a few weeks back? Now I’m trying to get the acrylic overlay off my nails. Ick. Katie and I have sleep studies tonight. I just got around to really reading some of the instructions,…
Reading LJ Community Polyamory means daily exposure to train wrecks. I wouldn’t do it at all if it weren’t that I like to see what the denizens of LJ Community Dot_Poly_Snark are chortling about. Someone deleted a snark post that…
I’m officially a CSI junkie. I’ve started turning on the TV in hopes of finding it on some channel. I’ll watch Law & Order if I can’t get CSI, but it’s a poor second. Next thing you know, I’ll actually…
I’m snuggled up in the bed with a woozy shadowkatt and a sleeping Shelley. Shelley sleeps even more than most cats now, which probably isn’t that unusual for a cat who’ll be 16 in a few weeks. The girl woke…
We’re watching Dance for Camera. It’s very, very weird. I think these people are imitating bulls locking horns. Earlier they were all rolling down hills. I have little to say today that wouldn’t involve whinging, so I shouldn’t say it.…
Sorta. I feel like I haven’t done anything because I’m in lots of pain and therefore not moving around a lot. But while my kitchen needs love, I’ve finished inventorying all the videos (other than the few that are likely…
I’ve posted frequently lately, but not so much that’s truly personal. I’m doing a lot of emotional processing, which is usually the case when I’m quiet like that. I think I’ve just about come to the close of this intense…
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