I won’t be going to Dragon Con unless a ticket (or pass—hey, I’m willing to do panels, ya know) falls out of the air. Sam will be running games and the girl will be working the con, so they both…
The Geek Who Understands You
I won’t be going to Dragon Con unless a ticket (or pass—hey, I’m willing to do panels, ya know) falls out of the air. Sam will be running games and the girl will be working the con, so they both…
Today’s Ganked From ozarque link is LabLit.com, which is all about the culture of science in fiction and fact. Very appropriate, right after watching The Fantastic Four last night and more CSI today. Current Mood: geeky
Anyone local who has some time free this week, would you please drop me a line at technomom@spamcop.net? Thanks 🙂 sambear, shadowkatt and I spent that guy’s birthday in Charleston, and thanks to the most huggable and generous hlynna and…
Current Mood: 🙁bored
PC Precisely Predicts Felony Police are always trying to get inside criminals’ minds to predict their next move. In Yonkers, New York, last week a police computer turned this guessing game into a science by correctly forecasting the time and…
If I thought I’d get to read these subtitles, maybe I would try to see Episode III in the theater. Thanks for this morning’s laugh, epi_lj 🙂
I noticed a Flashdance DVD at the library this week and grabbed it on a whim. Katie is watching it. I’m not watching as much as morbidly fascinated. I had no idea that it was so crude. I know, I…
Well, by the time I hit “post entry” it will be Monday, I suppose. Sam and I got lots done today, and unlike too many “lots done” days, we ended up with private spaces that are immediately much nicer as…
Something led me to start updating the fibromyalgia section of my website. One of the pages got longer and longer ’til I started breaking it up into smaller pages. Before actually uploading it to the website, I realized that it…
curiousmay9 is out seeing other sweeties, and sambear is gaming with the gang of teens in the living room, so I’ve had a few hours of time to myself. I want some of them back, though. I finally watched Star…
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