Dance Off with the Star Wars Stars 2008
The Geek Who Understands You
Dance Off with the Star Wars Stars 2008
Wag the Dog, anyone? There have always existed three ways of keeping the people loving and loyal. One is to leave them alone, to trust them and not to interfere. This plan, however, has very seldom been practised, because the…
We had a very nice weekend, fairly quiet for me (as usual). Katie went out with her beau Friday night, and Sam and I finally got to see the first season 2 Torchwood episode, “Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang.” It was…
We lost another great writer and thinker today. CNN seems to be updating their story on his death by the minute. There’s no controversy, but from the first version or two, you’d think the only thing the man had ever…
An LJ friend posted about this movie today, with a link to Feel the Sting of My Foam Sword: A must-see documentary about LARPing. I haven’t LARPed, but I’m fascinated. It sounds as if the documentary was done with respect… Jen, the little one reminds me of Cherub! Hat tip to Noël Figart 😉
Nope, not Sunday. Mostly. Well, maybe sometimes. Damned earworm! I was trying to be Very, Very Good today as I wrapped up my assignments for the semester. Unfortunately, I got completely distracted by the fact that I hadn’t done a…
This afternoon, I opened the blinds on the windows behind my chair, thinking it would draw Kioshi off the monitor (his tail kept obscuring the screen) to look out the windows. Nope. He turned around, so at least his tail…
We’ve watched so many movies in the last few weeks that they’re all running together. We just finished The Transformers. Yesterday was Babylon 5: A Call to Arms (we’d seen that before, of course) and Catch Me If You Can.…
Sam has started another podcast in cahoots with Bill Walton. This one, Square One, is for completely new gamers. Check it out – they’ve done a good job. I’m in one episode, though I don’t think that one’s up yet.…
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