How’d That Happen?

Something led me to start updating the fibromyalgia section of my website. One of the pages got longer and longer ’til I started breaking it up into smaller pages. Before actually uploading it to the website, I realized that it isn’t a web anything anymore. It’s a book outline.

I don’t know that the world needs another book on the topic, or that I have anything truly original to say about it. I’ll have to think about it more when I’m a little more conscious.

We got Katie to camp Sunday after some strike-force shopping for the last few things she needed. Thank you, Sam!

I was missing my baby well before we got home, though.

I’ve been in bed or hiding all day. Too much time spent in the car yesterday led to severe muscle spasms and pain today. I’m hoping they’ll go away by tomorrow—or at least back off enough to allow sleep.

curiousmay9 has been at home all day, too. We think she has a sinus infection. She’ll be seeing her doctor in the morning.

sambear and Genevieve saw Batman Begins and Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith today. curiousmay9 and I curled up in bed with Buffy DVDs, laptop and book(s). As she said, “This is the way to be sick!”

I’m supposed to have a bone scan on Tuesday morning to find out why I keep getting shorter.

I guess I’d better try to sleep again. Cuddling with Sam is always lovely, even if I can’t get to sleep.

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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