Happy Almost-Monday?

Well, by the time I hit “post entry” it will be Monday, I suppose.

Sam and I got lots done today, and unlike too many “lots done” days, we ended up with private spaces that are immediately much nicer as a result. Important papers were found, stuff was moved from closet to attic storage, some clothes were weeded out to be Freecycled, and there’s one less piece of furniture in our crowded room but we have more drawer space for our clothes, anyway.

I still have papers to shuffle, but I can do that while he’s at work tomorrow.

It’s been lovely having him home this week. Of course, he spent most of that time with Genevieve, and I probably saw less of him than in a normal week, but it was a more relaxed week.

We’re arguing with the auto insurance company regarding their valuation of the van and would appreciate any tips from people who’ve succeeded in that realm. The value they’re assigning it is $3000 less than the exact same van is selling for elsewhere, but they want to say that only vehicles being sold within 50 miles count! It’s an older, conversion van, and there aren’t any being sold closer than 450 miles.

Their valuation doesn’t include the conversion at all, but even without it, they’re about $2k short of the market value.

From our research, the van shouldn’t be totaled at all, because it is worth a lot more than the value they’re giving it. That means a lot more delay in getting it back or replacing it, though, and more time with three drivers and two vehicles. We’re pushing to get a rental again while they clear up the discrepancy, but I’m not counting on getting it!

I don’t have the energy for this conflict, but I don’t have the money to let them short us $3k on the van, either.

Sam and Genevieve explored the Botanical Gardens yesterday. curiousmay9 and I raided the library, did a little shopping, and enjoyed a very good Chinese/Japanese dinner. We watched Bandits after we got home.

I’ve seen it mentioned as a movie with definite poly elements, and that’s definitely the case. I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I might, just reading the description. It’s worth a few hours of your time.

Night, y’all!

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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