Dragon Con, Weekend Planning, and Back to School

I won’t be going to Dragon Con unless a ticket (or pass—hey, I’m willing to do panels, ya know) falls out of the air. Sam will be running games and the girl will be working the con, so they both got passes. 🙂

I’d happily meet out-of-towners for lunch or something, though. Jeannie, are you still coming?

I expect lots of fun photos (with you in them, not just of the crowds!) and stories from y’all next week to make up for not going, of course.

I’m trying to plan some self-care so I don’t get too lonely and grumpy over the weekend. I’m figuring in stitching time, definitely, but could use some suggestions as to movies to watch while stitching. I never go to the cinema, so you can safely assume that if it’s been out in the last two years, I haven’t seen it (except Serenity, of course!).

Other suggestions for the weekend?

My current “fun” reading is Widdershins by Charles de Lint, but I’m not really getting into it for some reason. I need to see if the library has something fluffy like the “Undead and ____” novels. Yeah, they’re easily bought, but I read them like literary M&Ms, so the high cost of paperbacks just doesn’t seem justified. Dekalb’s library doesn’t suck, but I miss Gwinnett’s far better selection of genre fiction, as well as living close to a branch of the PINES system as we did in Cobb.

I did something for me today, though: I put things in motion to return to school. If all goes as the school thinks it will, I could actually be doing some online classes next week! That is if they give me the financial aid package I want. If not, I’ll wait ’til January. But I’d really like to go back now, as I’m feeling extremely empty-nest-y with Katie going back to school. I don’t want to do just online classes, because I really miss the discussions of a “real” class and I think it would be good to have something regular for which I have to leave the house.

On the other hand, online classes take lots less energy, which leaves more for the actual academic pursuit and the rest of my life.

Happily, Katie prefers doing her homework next to me rather than holing up in her room as I did at that age, so I get a fair amount of time with her when she’s home. That really does push the need for a laptop, though, as she can’t be online (or just typing) and be in the living room with me and Sam. When she had one she made really good use of it.

I really like the fact that she’s attending a school with a good location and community ties. We couldn’t really ask for better than where she is in that respect. I’m looking forward to moving closer to the school, though.

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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