Just a Relaxing Day

Sorta. I feel like I haven’t done anything because I’m in lots of pain and therefore not moving around a lot.

But while my kitchen needs love, I’ve finished inventorying all the videos (other than the few that are likely hiding upstairs).

I’ve had quite a long “meeting” with Katie, wherein we went over lots of dance stuff, school application stuff, spring break, summer planning, etc. I swear, my kid needs a social secretary!

I’ve placed several orders for household stuff.

I located a company to get a load of gravel over to the cottage, which should take care of the driveway problems due to all the rain recently.

I found brick pavers for the walkway, and if curiousmay9 approves them we’ll get them ordered tonight or tomorrow.

I made a godawful number of phone calls and appointments and so on, and answered a fair number of email messages that had been hanging out for replies.

And I did a little laundry. I do bleach loads while Sam isn’t home, as the smell really bothers him. The smell has dispersed now.

Next up: CD inventory, and the books in our suite.

The van should be ready sometime tomorrow. It’s getting an EGR valve—I think that’s the name of the part—so it’ll pass inspection. Then I can take it to get a stereo put in 🙂

Current Mood: accomplished
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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