It Feels Later Than That

I didn’t get nearly enough DONE this weekend, but I’m very tired anyway.

On the plus side: all of curiousmay9‘s kitchen gear is here now. Together, the four of us went through just about everything in the kitchen while putting together a care package for ga_sunshine. The stuff she didn’t need is going to Freecycle. We’re back to being able to close the cabinets now. This bodes well for finding whatever we actually need when it’s needed, unlike the “more stuff than necessary for 3 kitchens” state.

We’ve still got three kinds of dishes. No, make that five. We sent away three kinds, I think. The ones that are left are all pretty, and I’ve got pretty much all the accessories for my set, but we don’t have one complete set. So curiousmay9 and I are on a quest to find one pattern that we both love for everyday dishes, then replace the partial sets with it. After that has been accomplished, we’ll consider formal china.

Note that I said “consider.” I’m not convinced that we actually need formal china, and we certainly won’t have room for it ’til after the kitchen renovation and expansion happens.

We’ve both got a strong fondness for cobalt blue, so I think we’ll start with that color as a theme and see what we find.

We went through the bedding, too. At least, we went through what we found. As the upper floor of the house is still in serious disarray, I’m not going to assume that all of the bedding was in the linen closet. We’ve got less bedding now, and we’re almost down to only having sheets that fit the actual mattresses in the house!

I have more to say, but fortunately for you, I’m too sleepy to write more. Good night!

Current Mood: 😴tired
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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