Asshats? Or Ignorant?

I’m shopping for bricks to do the walkway at the cottage. We need to find a brick supplier, anyway, for future projects.

Boral Bricks has a web site with a nifty little program for planning such projects. Cool, right? I started to install it.

Then my anti-spyware program yelped because the damned thing was trying to install a dialer.

I contacted the company explaining why they won’t get our business, but as I promised them, I’m also warning others to stay far away from them.

It’s a legitimate business with a nice site, a real address, phone number, etc.—which goes to show that malware doesn’t just come from porn sites.

Edit, Friday, April 1: I got a call today from Shelly Ross at Boral, very concerned about the situation. She contacted the people who write the software, who she says did a thorough check on their system.

They claim that the dialer (Interfun) just goes back to their server to get brick colors and shapes. I suggested that they note that on their website. I’m not going to try installing it again to see, but I wanted to note that Boral did react immediately and responsibly.

Current Mood: pissed off
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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