Yahoo! Domains

Grrr. Never, ever, no matter what, register a domain through Yahoo. The domain name for our homeschooling group was registered with Yahoo by the group’s president. There’s supposed to be a “control panel” to permit management of the domain—changing contact…

Collapsing Menus?

Calling some kind of HTML/Javascript wiz… I wanna use collapsing menus on the composition website I’m redoing for school. And I want them placed where I want them, dammit, inside a table. Unfortunately, the free builder thingies I’ve found aren’t…

Email Down

Problems with larp_dot_com mean that our email is down, and has been since sometime yesterday morning. We don’t know if any mail sent in the meantime will be recoverable or not. We don’t know when the problems will be resolved,…

Learning PageMaker

Last semester, I wrote a four-page document for a report that I intended to turn into something of a brochure. It’s about fibromyalgia and how it affects college students, and is intended for college faculty and staff members. I never…

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