I want a way to go through all the apod and epod archives and grab the high-resolution versions of the photos. I’ve been lured into the evil that is WebShots, and want those photos to put in with my others and rotate as wallpaper/screensavers.
I’m sure there’s a way to do a script for that, but I’m not a programmer. I know there are plenty of “grab this website for offline viewing” programs available, but I don’t want all the HTML and low-res photos, just the good stuff.
Yes, I am, in fact, finicky, as dwivian called me 🙂
I wouldn’t have thought that I’d ever want a paid membership to WebShots, but they’ve managed to make me desire one with some of the “unlimited only” shots. Dammit.
Yes, I think Sam’s right—I’m far more visually oriented than I’ve admitted before. I have to admit that I’m noticing such things more consciously these days, thanks to Robin Williams The Non-Designer’s Design Book. Now I understand why Dr. Seabolt had us get four of Williams’ books for our course. And yes, they’re all well worth their cover price. Amazing.