The following comes to you courtesy of rightchristians Jobs flatlined under Bush–a touch of the overseer’s lash It is all of that, but I’d go one step further: flatlined jobs are exactly what Bush wants. To them, the chart above…
The Geek Who Understands You
The following comes to you courtesy of rightchristians Jobs flatlined under Bush–a touch of the overseer’s lash It is all of that, but I’d go one step further: flatlined jobs are exactly what Bush wants. To them, the chart above…
shunra, this caused me to think of you. rightchristians is being accused of anti-Semitism for daring to post an excerpt of someone else’s article on the effects of Jewish fundamentalism on Israeli politics. I read an incredibly good article several…
The penalty that good men pay for not being interested in politics is to be governed by men worse than themselves. –Plato, philosopher (427-347 BCE)
I’m liking what David Grenier has to say about Gay Marriage. From democracynow: RNC Warns TV Stations Not to Air MoveOn Ad Meanwhile, the Republican National Committee is warning 250 tv stations across the country to stop running ads from…
“That is only the start of the Bush campaign. He has plenty of money and unlimited personal cheapness.” Jimmy Breslin talking about President Bush in He Molests the Dead I think I want to see this movie. I Remember Me…
Eight Arrested For Wearing Anti-War Shirt At West Point Eight anti-war protesters will be appearing in court later this month following their arrest during a recent Army-Navy basketball game at West Point. They were arrested for standing in the last…
mrpsyklops and curiousmay9 came over for dinner, a little music, and a lot of great conversation. sambear cooked very delicious steaks. I think shadowkatt was frustrated that we old folks got into talking politics and other matters a lot when…
Personally, I agree with Heinlein that any country that needs a draft to fill its military doesn’t have the right to exist anymore. BUT—I don’t blame anyone for not wanting to get into the bullshit wars that BushCo is supporting,…
Go to Vote-Smart Enter your zip code You’ll get information on your congresspeople, state representatives and officeholders, even current candidates and state elections—with contact information so you can write letters/send faxes. Remember: real letters ALWAYS have a much bigger impact…
Happy Birthday picksmanraven! Good article: Sexual Mores and the Bible As God Told Me… “Andrew, you have the eyes and ears of a lot of people. I wish you’d tell your viewers that both Pat Robertson and Mel Gibson strike…
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