The spin doctor from Molly Ivins Then there’s the case of Richard Clarke, the top adviser on counter-terrorism to both Clinton and Bush. In his stunning interview on “60 Minutes,” I thought the most chilling moment was what he said…
The Geek Who Understands You
The spin doctor from Molly Ivins Then there’s the case of Richard Clarke, the top adviser on counter-terrorism to both Clinton and Bush. In his stunning interview on “60 Minutes,” I thought the most chilling moment was what he said…
…if Kerry speaks French, well, he speaks two more languages than the current White House occupant. –Tara McKelvey, in The American Prospect Online
School Daze—Mark Fiore presents an updated refresher course on public education. Bush’s war on truth
This had me howling: Things I wish I could write on students’ papers I tend to think this is right on: Have George W. Bush’s military records been tampered with or altered? The New World of Blogs Imagine a costless…
Does this idjit think he’s a holy man or something? Bush’s feet can’t touch the ground Um, you know that socialization people ask homeschoolers about? How would it happen in this school? Eighth-graders at Dillard Middle School in Goldsboro have…
I have to thank anansi133 for leading me to selenite‘s wonderful essay on Marriage & Civilization. I’ve never “met” the author before, but I am highly impressed and look forward to reading more from him. Current Mood: 🙂loved
Bush Allies, Falling Down on Jobs It’s also true that the jobless rate “is understating the labor market distress,” says Jared Bernstein of the Economic Policy Institute, a liberal think tank. If you lose your job, it’s tougher to find…
From MoveOn via mrpsyklops: “ has just broken a major story detailing how the Pentagon created a special office to manipulate intelligence data on Iraq and WMDs. It’s written by Karen Kwiatkowski, a military officer who watched this unit at…
The 14 Defining Characteristics Of Fascism Posted April 7, 2003 by Dr. Lawrence Britt Dr. Lawrence Britt has examined the fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia) and several Latin American regimes. Britt found 14…
How Bush Helped My Marriage McClellan gets reamed about Bush’s service record From therevealerfeed—Unfortunately, I don’t read Hebrew: Too hum-drum? Max Gross recommends J.T. Waldman’s “180-page graphic novel [about] an orphan… taken to a brothel. She meets an alcoholic, lecherous…
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