I want a t-shirt! Okay, there are lots that I want. But right at this very moment I really want a Designs on the White House shirt. Unfortunately, I like really loose shirts, and these only go up to 2x.…
The Geek Who Understands You
I want a t-shirt! Okay, there are lots that I want. But right at this very moment I really want a Designs on the White House shirt. Unfortunately, I like really loose shirts, and these only go up to 2x.…
I recall the Reagan years through a filter, since I was only 14 when they started. I actually got to ask him a question during a press conference once—televised on C-Span, even. (He didn’t answer the question I asked, but…
‘Partial-birth’ abortion ban is ruled unconstitutional
curiousmay9 sent me a link to this article this morning: The Mighty Windbags “Thirty years ago, conservatives embarked on a plan to subvert journalism and skew America to the right. They succeeded beyond their wildest dreams.” I learned something I…
Some conservatives are blaming women, feminists, Muslims, and academia for what happened in Abu Ghraib. Oh—don’t forget those lesbians and gays and Clinton. Thanks to hopeevey for this link: TV News is bad for your brain Current Mood: 😡irritated
News Item: Further White House Charges Against Clarke Current Mood: 😉giggly
Here’s the letter as I sent it off. I’m locking the post ’til after publication. The “short bio” requested said: Cynthia Armistead is a libertarian homeschooling mother and writer living in Austell, GA. Current Mood: 🙂calm
Woodard said she hadn’t known there was a gun in the house, and that she had warned her children in the past about them. She said gun owners need to make sure weapons don’t fall into the hands of children.…
Rivka posted more information this morning on the Abu Ghraib situation. I don’t remember hearing a damned thing about DynCorp’s employees purchasing girls (as young as 12) and women in Bosnia to use as sex slaves. I wasn’t reading blogs…
Both fairly political: strangerfruitfd truthlaidbare Current Mood: busy
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