Bush Quote

Bush Video I know it was a misstatement, but I have to think of it as a Freudian slip in many ways. “Our enemies are innovative and resourceful. And so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to…

Quote from the Debate

“But I can’t take what is an article of faith for me and legislate it or someone who doesn’t share that article of faith, whether they be agnostic, atheist, Jew, Protestant, whatever. I can’t do that.” Not much mystery as…

Where Do You Stand?

World’s Smallest Political Quiz Posted because shadowkatt wanted to see it, so I figured others might, too. EDIT: I meant to mention that the questions are, in my opinion, rather slanted. I’d like to see a more balanced version of…

Aisle Be Damned

By Gene Weingarten I think we can all agree with our president that gay marriage is a grave threat to America, because if it weren’t, our president would not have this issue to flog and might lose the election, and…

Why the War Wasn’t Illegal

Again—interesting POV. I can see the war not being “illegal” while not being precisely legal (by UN standards), either, as the author points out. The Washington Times, September 26, 2004 Michael E. O’Hanlon, Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy Studies ——————————————————————————– United…

Who Served?

Do you see a pattern here? The referenced website has references. Those I checked seemed solid. Lots of chickenhawks on down this list. Democrats Richard Gephardt: Air National Guard, 1965-71. David Bonior: Staff Sgt., Air Force 1968-72. Tom Daschle: 1st…

The Alpha Factor

Again, very interesting analysis. I’ve definitely seen the same dynamic in more personal contexts. The Alpha Factor By Stephen Dinan Humans have evolved sophisticated neural software that allows us to interpret and manipulate the world in new ways, creating everything…

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