And Another Death That’ll Be Used to Justify More Gun Control

Woodard said she hadn’t known there was a gun in the house, and that she had warned her children in the past about them. She said gun owners need to make sure weapons don’t fall into the hands of children.

I’m all for responsible gun ownership, and the creep who owned the gun certainly didn’t bother securing it—but since he owned it illegally, I’m not too surprised.

Please note: There are no gun control laws that would have prevented this death. The world will not be made safer by passing more legislation. Criminals don’t worry about laws, by definition.

Responsible parenting is what would have made the biggest difference in those kids’ lives. Say, Momma not hanging out with convicted felons? Oh, what a concept! How limiting! How about Momma taking responsibility for ASKING about guns in the home? Or having given her kids more education than “don’t touch guns”?

Edit: Wow. I sent essentially the same text as this post to the AJC as a letter to the editor. I just got a call asking me to expand that to 400 words to serve as a counterpoint to an editorial they’re running on the topic. By 3 pm today.

Current Mood: 😡angry
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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