Personally, I agree with Heinlein that any country that needs a draft to fill its military doesn’t have the right to exist anymore. BUT—I don’t blame anyone for not wanting to get into the bullshit wars that BushCo is supporting,…
The Geek Who Understands You
Personally, I agree with Heinlein that any country that needs a draft to fill its military doesn’t have the right to exist anymore. BUT—I don’t blame anyone for not wanting to get into the bullshit wars that BushCo is supporting,…
This post was so negative that I decided that I must find something somewhat positive to balance every negative. Positive: Cobb’s library website lets me ask it to notify me when they get in new materials by particular authors or…
I’ve had this problem come up before. I know some of you have, too. The site does, fortunately, offer suggestions for resolution: Browsing Problem Current Mood: 😐blah
Schwarzenegger puts himself at loggerheads with Bush over gay marriages
I have absolutely no plans to see Mel Gibson’s capitalization on the crucifixion. I did, however, find this article funny. I have no idea, of course, whether or not the “Aramaic” is real or just mumbo-jumbo. What’s popcorn in Aramaic?
Fun article about a homeschooling family, pointed out by LJ-less J. Viva La Nerds!
Virginia Postrel’s sister Pam talks about her marriage to Mindy Blum: Extended Family Values, Part II
Go to Vote-Smart Enter your zip code You’ll get information on your congresspeople, state representatives and officeholders, even current candidates and state elections—with contact information so you can write letters/send faxes. Remember: real letters ALWAYS have a much bigger impact…
I like the word “gumption” because it’s so homely and so forlorn and so out of style it looks as if it needs a friend and isn’t likely to reject anyone who comes along. It’s an old Scottish word, once…
A professor at school just sent out a job lead that I’ll be happy to forward to you if you send me an email.
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