This post was so negative that I decided that I must find something somewhat positive to balance every negative.
Positive: Cobb’s library website lets me ask it to notify me when they get in new materials by particular authors or subjects. I love it! I added LOTS of things to my notification list today.
Negative: Murphy is still my patron saint. I had two important business phone calls scheduled in a six-hour block of time. They called, one on the house line and one on the cell phone, within two minutes of each other.
Positive: I managed the juggling and both calls were completed satisfactorily. In fact, one may lead to improvement in a very important situation.
Negative: My PDA still won’t sync unless I hold it in its cradle very firmly.
Positive: PalmOne says they’re sending me an “engineer-inspected PDA” this time. Those are supposedly the crème de la crème.
Negative: I do believe I’m not going to speech class today. I simply cannot handle sitting there being tortured by stupidity. I fear an outburst.
Positive: That gives me more time to clean the house.
Negative: I have lots of things to do to get ready for guests tonight.
Positive: We’re having some marvelous people over for dinner and music.
Neutral: I need to go to the post office to see what on earth the bunches of certified letters they’re holding are about—there was a list of about 10 numbers on the notice on the door!
Positive: I’m caught up on my lit class assignments.
Negative: Still absolutely no grades or feedback from the literature professor. Grrr.
Negative: I’m reading the compilation Sunglasses After Dark Midnight Blue by Nancy Collins. It’s incredibly dark, but fascinating for some reason—like watching a train wreck.
Positive: The book suits my mood.
Negative: I’m hurting, and that’s normal.
Positive: I’m not hurting any more than usual.
Negative: There are new tenants upstairs. They have what Sam calls “a riding dog.” It is very active and galumphs around at all hours, VERY LOUDLY.
Positive: The new people include a homeschooled 13-year-old. The old tenants were homeschoolers, too. We meet more and more of us. And we’ll be moving soon, anyway.
Negative: I find most of my classmates at school to be disconcertingly mundane, resistant to any attempt at discussion, and mostly of the “will this be on the test?” variety.
Positive: The school is starting a pre-law program, which interests me.
I should be very up since I’ll be seeing some of my favorite people and enjoying good food and music tonight. I feel blank, for some reason. I’ve been out of sorts for the past few days and trying to avoid unleashing the inexplicable anger at anyone.