NASA-supported scientists are developing a space-based early warning system for disease outbreaks. I thought of two others: If you call me Cynthia Lynn, you’re one of my parents and you’re mad at me/trying to make me feel shame. If you…
The Geek Who Understands You
NASA-supported scientists are developing a space-based early warning system for disease outbreaks. I thought of two others: If you call me Cynthia Lynn, you’re one of my parents and you’re mad at me/trying to make me feel shame. If you…
Toilet seats are cleaner than keyboards or telephone dials: study Current Mood: 😯distressed
If you call me Cindy, you’d better be someone from my family of origin—and it’s really only safe if you’re old enough to have changed my diapers. If neither of those applies, you’re in trouble. If you call me Cyn,…
Then we get the question—what does feminism do for men? The answer: a whole hell of a lot. –From Goddess Musings *throwing some water on the men who just fainted* By the mere (mere? ha!) questioning of gender roles in…
Gender reaches into disability; disability wraps around class; class strains against abuse; abuse snarls into sexuality; sexuality folds on top of race… everything finally piling into a single human body. To write about any aspect of identity, any aspect of…
Well, I suppose you could MAKE it political, but it isn’t overtly political. HOW COUPLES MANAGE PARENTING FORECASTS LATER MARITAL QUALITY, STUDY FINDS The results suggest that programs for parents-to-be should devote attention to how they will coparent together, Schoppe-Sullivan…
Bush Allies, Falling Down on Jobs It’s also true that the jobless rate “is understating the labor market distress,” says Jared Bernstein of the Economic Policy Institute, a liberal think tank. If you lose your job, it’s tougher to find…
From MoveOn via mrpsyklops: “ has just broken a major story detailing how the Pentagon created a special office to manipulate intelligence data on Iraq and WMDs. It’s written by Karen Kwiatkowski, a military officer who watched this unit at…
The 14 Defining Characteristics Of Fascism Posted April 7, 2003 by Dr. Lawrence Britt Dr. Lawrence Britt has examined the fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia) and several Latin American regimes. Britt found 14…
How Bush Helped My Marriage McClellan gets reamed about Bush’s service record From therevealerfeed—Unfortunately, I don’t read Hebrew: Too hum-drum? Max Gross recommends J.T. Waldman’s “180-page graphic novel [about] an orphan… taken to a brothel. She meets an alcoholic, lecherous…
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