The following comes to you courtesy of rightchristians Jobs flatlined under Bush–a touch of the overseer’s lash It is all of that, but I’d go one step further: flatlined jobs are exactly what Bush wants. To them, the chart above…
The Geek Who Understands You
The following comes to you courtesy of rightchristians Jobs flatlined under Bush–a touch of the overseer’s lash It is all of that, but I’d go one step further: flatlined jobs are exactly what Bush wants. To them, the chart above…
I’ve meant several times to mention this here, and keep forgetting: Co-abode: Single Mothers Share Housing I no longer remember where I first heard it mentioned, but it sounds like a great idea. Here’s the basic stuff from their site.…
The Kroger bakery was selling “margarine croissants.” Current Mood: 😯shocked
Three times today, SEMagic posted an entry in a community when I meant it for my personal journal or vice versa. It seems to be going to wherever I’d posted last, even when I check to be sure that I’ve…
First—why does the Cobb library have a separate category for “Christianity—Controversial literature” in their catalog? Is that an official Dewey designation, their own thing, what? I’ve never run across it in any other system before. I’m into one of my…
shunra, this caused me to think of you. rightchristians is being accused of anti-Semitism for daring to post an excerpt of someone else’s article on the effects of Jewish fundamentalism on Israeli politics. I read an incredibly good article several…
The penalty that good men pay for not being interested in politics is to be governed by men worse than themselves. –Plato, philosopher (427-347 BCE)
This was SUPPOSED to be posted to LJ Community write_away! Name I’m Cyn. I’ve been known as TechnoMom for nearly a decade, though, so I answer just as readily to that moniker. Age: 37 Writing Experience: Oh my! Let’s see—I’ve…
I discussed the Keepers at Home site here and on two homeschooling lists. I’ve just learned that the owner of the site had to take down her email link and shut down her guest book due to the nasty messages…
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