Sticking a Toe in the Water…

This was SUPPOSED to be posted to LJ Community write_away!

Name I’m Cyn. I’ve been known as TechnoMom for nearly a decade, though, so I answer just as readily to that moniker.
Age: 37
Writing Experience: Oh my! Let’s see—I’ve worked as a tech writer in the past. It was my favorite of the many jobs I’ve had in the last 25 years, so I decided to choose a major that would help me return to the field. I wrote a lot of poetry as a teenager, but have only had occasional bursts of that as an adult. I tend to write non-fiction essays intended for my website or one of the other sites I manage, many of which get posted to my LJ for feedback (and which I’m likely to inflict on you now).
Preferred Genres: Non-fiction most of the time now, though my life partner and I have a fantasy novel going (very slowly).
Education: I’m studying “Technical & Professional Communication” (tech writing) at Southern Poly.
Country: US
What do you hope to get from this community? Feedback and encouragement to write something other than LJ posts more regularly.
Where did you hear of us? I followed a link from someone’s personal journal, I think? Maybe? My daughter shadowkatt is also a member.

I’m finding myself hit by snatches of dialogue or very detailed descriptions of characters—and no plot. Nothing. No reason to use either, because nothing is actually HAPPENING. I feel a need to work that out.

You already know that I’m a student. I’m also a homemaker and a homeschooling parent. I do volunteer work with an organization that helps people who are being harassed online, and wrote much of the material on their site ( ). I’m disabled, though I don’t like that label.

Current Mood: 🙂cheerful
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
Posts created 4265

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