Use the Permit!

Note to self: How you feel when you arrive somewhere and park isn’t always related to how you’ll feel come time to leave. So park in the damned handicapped space anyway. You’ll almost certainly be much tireder when it’s time…

Kid Stuff

sambear left just before 5:30 to take littlefirefae and real_pochacco to the airport. They’re going for a two-month visit with their mother – the longest they’ve ever been away. They haven’t spent more than two weeks with her since Sam…

Health Stuff

Well, I am the ashamed owner of a handicapped parking permit now. I know that there’s nothing inherently shameful in having a disability. I have no problem understanding and even advocating accommodations for anybody else with a disability. I’m just…

Katie Brag

Okay—I knew shadowkatt was pretty darned smart and thought she was doing quite well academically, but we got independent verification today. Her California Achievement Test scores placed her in the 9th month of 12th grade in language arts – that’s…

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