sambear left just before 5:30 to take littlefirefae and real_pochacco to the airport. They’re going for a two-month visit with their mother – the longest they’ve ever been away. They haven’t spent more than two weeks with her since Sam took custody back in 1997, so this should be interesting. We’ll miss them.
real_pochacco decided to start packing around 5 am. He was still stuffing things in a suitcase as he was going out the door. I’m sure something vital has been left behind, but I did try to be sure that he had things like his medicines with him. Hmmm—wonder if he remembered his glasses? He frequently forgets to even put them on. littlefirefae found them on the floor of his bedroom yesterday while he was all the way across town. All three kids are usually responsible for keeping up with their laundry, but I made sure I washed all the dirty clothing I could find yesterday to make sure that wouldn’t be an issue.
We received a copy of some of his medical records sent to our address for “Mrs. Hildebrand-Chupp.” I assume his mother requested them, so I gave them to him to take to her. I hope they went with him, too.
We’re still in the chaos that is moving. Our lives are in a box somewhere. Too much stuff!
The girls love the new place—they spend every minute they can outside, and are making friends already. shadowkatt likes to hang out in the nature preserve, but littlefirefae only wants to go out if she sees other kids. real_pochacco hasn’t been outside much, but he doesn’t like that big room with the really high ceiling anyway.
shadowkatt‘s graduation from Phase I of the Start Something program was last night. She kept her speech short and sweet and did quite well. All the kids had to speak (about half of them dropped out when they found out about that) and were supposed to keep it to five minutes. Some of them had a very liberal idea of how long five minutes is. She got a special award certificate for “being of service” in addition to the certificate all the participants received.
I spent some time browsing Girl Culture this morning. Disturbing, but not surprising at all.