I am absolutely sick of seeing people on poly lists or other fora whinging about how unfair it is that they have to sneak around with their SOs. And, “oh, we’re in LUUURRRVVVE and just can’t squelch that!” Clue: While…
The Geek Who Understands You
I am absolutely sick of seeing people on poly lists or other fora whinging about how unfair it is that they have to sneak around with their SOs. And, “oh, we’re in LUUURRRVVVE and just can’t squelch that!” Clue: While…
From preachermanfeed: Christians understand communion in different ways. For me, communion is the time to lay down everything that doesn’t matter and celebrate the realization that you are not alone on this journey. It’s a pretty important ritual for us.…
More notes about things I need to write up: The Man Diet Something about our experiences in therapy with regards to polyamory
Looking at the comments on this entry gives me an extreme case of the warm fuzzies. And, in fact, these were pretty darned sweet, too! I’m adding those to my memories, and when I’m feeling down and ugly and unwanted,…
sambear did his weekend report—I’m behind on mine!
Happy Birthday to firinel!
Hmm, dilemma. A sweet lady who was impressed with FlyLady, but found that she just didn’t like her system, has created her own free system, CleanHome. I think it would probably work better for a fair number of people who…
This could be sheer foolishness, but…I’m going to follow autographedcat‘s lead on this one: In comments, list five things that you would tell someone who didn’t know me if they asked you about me…
My brother-of-choice just sent this to me: I prefer peers. People with vision(s). People with a quirky outlook on life. People who can entertain, rather than exhibit and instill boredom. People who can shine a light on hitherto dark and…
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