Hmm, dilemma. A sweet lady who was impressed with FlyLady, but found that she just didn’t like her system, has created her own free system, CleanHome. I think it would probably work better for a fair number of people who aren’t happy with FlyLady but need some kind of system.
Unfortunately, she isn’t a writer. There are misspellings and other problems all over her site, to the extent that I have trouble reading it—and when one gets past the mechanical errors, it simply isn’t well-written. (I’m not going to even think about starting on the web style issues, okay? That’s a whole ‘nother ball of wax.) And it would only be the work of less than an hour for me to proofread it for her, slightly more to help her with the style—but I don’t want to offend her by emailing her to suggest that it needs to be done. I don’t know this person or how she’d take such a message.
What would you do?