Taken from cybrcat
The Geek Who Understands You
Taken from cybrcat
When you choose the behavior, you choose the consequences. –Author Unknown The context in which I saw this quote was as something parents would tell their children. I think there are just as many adults who need to learn it,…
Happy Birthday waya! Today’s quote: Love thy neighbour as yourself, but choose your neighbourhood. –Louise Beal I’m swiping this from cybrcat. rasilio and the rest of you fortunate enough to have redheads of your very own, pay attention!
This is so cool! Pictures of NASA’s Spirit Rover’s landing on Mars! (From apod) For equal time, epod_feed featured this fence eating tree today. And another neat thing: A History of Science (from Project Gutenberg)
I got this from keiracaitlin, but I did see it in ga_sunshine and starrchilde‘s journals too. It got a LOT longer in the interim! 1. Copy this whole list into your journal. 2. Bold the things that you have in…
Okay! The guest room bed is in place now and ready for guests. I need to get more queen-sized sheets and a dust ruffle. We got shadowkatt back a day early! She got some really nice shots at Noccalula Falls.…
So I have the fabric and (when they fit) the pattern for a bunch of projects put in Ziplock bags. We’re running out of bags, though, and I’m not done yet. I need to make a list of the DMC…
Thursday’s word list to free-associate: 1. youngster: kid 2. vanilla: mundane 3. lock: james 4. upwards: look 5. legal: entity 6. attire: fancy 7. register: classes 8. frothy: drink 9. credit: semester 10. squirrel: tree rat
Okay, okay. This might suck, though: How well do you know me?
1. rainforest: Amazon 2. grape: koolaid 3. icy: roads 4. lucky charm: rabbit 5. telescope: stars 6. radio station: chatter 7. butterscotch: candy 8. bouquet of: flowers 9. boiled: okra 10. pottery: curiousmay9
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