List three things about your partner that make you jealous (I’d say envious, not jealous—that’s a different thing for me.) 1. His ability to play. I wasn’t even good at it as a kid. I really wasn’t good at being…
The Geek Who Understands You
List three things about your partner that make you jealous (I’d say envious, not jealous—that’s a different thing for me.) 1. His ability to play. I wasn’t even good at it as a kid. I really wasn’t good at being…
So the Personality ID test says I’m a Strategic Thinker. This is a surprise to me. I hate being in charge of anyone but myself. But I’d rather be in charge than leave leadership to an incompetent twit, so I…
The Friday Five: 1. …sent a handwritten letter? I wrote notes for every day for Katie and G when they went to Girl Scout camp a few weeks ago. Does that count? 2. …baked something from scratch or made something…
Okay. Searching on Google for “Cynthia is” returns: Cynthia is the Secretary/Assistant that can offer Spanish-English. My note: I wouldn’t hire her after reading that sentence. Cynthia is a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, Wordcraft…
I looked at the Which Alpha Male is right for you? quiz that I’ve seen in several of my friends’ LJ entries. It is yet another test I couldn’t actually complete because the author’s idea of an Alpha Male sounds…
Okay, now for something lighter. The Friday Five: 1. Do you live in a house, an apartment, or a condo? A house. 2. Do you rent or own? Renting now, hope to buy a home next year when this lease…
Is this like losing your humanity in Vampire? I’m losing the ability to refrain from the damned quizzes? I’m only posting it ’cause I haven’t seen it before. So there. Earthly. Realistic. You’re simply down-to-earth. I’m completely down-to-earth! Find your…
Do you have any idea, at all, how hard it is to refrain from doing all those quizzes? I try, I really do. And I’ve only posted one result so far that I can remember (that Enneagram thing). But this…
take free Enneagram test But the result for 5 was 18, and the result for 1 was 17, so they’re awfully close. “Ones are idealistic and strive for perfection. Morals and ethics drive them. They live with an overbearing internal…
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