Eleven things

List three things about your partner that make you jealous (I’d say envious, not jealous—that’s a different thing for me.)
1. His ability to play. I wasn’t even good at it as a kid. I really wasn’t good at being a kid.
2. His ability to put up with pure crap. I know it’s because he had a decade of marriage to a hellbeast for training, and I wouldn’t be willing to go through it myself, but it does come in handy at times.
3. Connections to friends from his childhood—mostly gaming buddies.

List three tastes your partner has that you’ll never share:
1. Video games
2. Most techno music
3. Zaxby’s

List three tastes your partner will never share with you
1. Stitching
2. Cheese grits
3. The one Waitresses CD I have

List one taste you’ve acquired from your partner:

List one taste your partner has acquired from you:
Saffire the Uppity Blues Women

Current Mood: 😐lazy
Current Music: Yet more of the Crow Score
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
Posts created 4265

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