Silly Girl

Oh goddessinga—trying to keep me from knowing your birthdate is sorta silly when it’s in an astrology program on one of our PCs. Especially when there was a printout from the said program on my desk! 🙂

End of an Era

My parents are all moved, except for getting stuff from the storage facility to the new place. The phone is finally working. No cable TV out there, so they’re getting a satellite connection. My sister and brother-in-law were there this…

From the Mouth of G

Overheard this weekend when G was talking to herself: “I’m feeling like a role model. But my mouth is still going.” A week or so ago, she suddenly said to sambear, “Oh Daddy, save my soul!” I never know what…

Birthday Boy

R’s birthday party is back on. I may have taken leave of my senses, but a few hours ago I told sambear that since I am feeling somewhat better and I don’t think I’m contagious (or that Katie is), we…

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