Sick Kid

Katie got up shortly before midnight thinking she was having really bad cramps. Sam drew her one of his special baths, with milk and herbs and all, which helped a bit. But then she started throwing up. In fact, she…

Another Party!

Happy Anniversary, goddessinga and greyknight! We’re home, having had a lovely evening of good conversation at the PolySoutheast holiday potluck. arrowstar (who doesn’t EVER post here) and her husband Wolf hosted it, and it was marvelous. Current Mood: 😴tired


sambear occasionally brings me nail polish or lipstick or something like that. This week, it’s lip gloss. One is a Bonne Bell Dr. Pepper Lipsmacker. The other is Bonne Bell Flip Gloss Shimmers, Cherry Zinger flavor. shadowkatt was so fascinated…

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