Mean Cats

Damn. Yesterday Moonstone attacked G’s ear because she was trying to get him out of the garage, back into the house. She bled all over the place—I mean, we had to wash blood out of the sweater she was wearing…

Drama Queen

Oh, joy—welcome to Drama Central! sambear got the kids. Just before we left, we realized that G had been dishonest regarding the school make-up work she claimed to have done, so she was supposed to take that with her and…

Welcome ShadowKatt

I probably should have mentioned this before… My daughter Katie has been sucked into the vast addiction that is LJ – she’s shadowkatt here. This means that I ended up creating a new level of filters and going back through…

New Liaden Fan

Katie began reading Partners in Necessity, the first Liaden Universe omnibus, last night. The child who has zero interest in reading science fiction stayed with the book until she couldn’t really keep her eyes open last night, then popped out…

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