Oh, joy—welcome to Drama Central!
sambear got the kids.
Just before we left, we realized that G had been dishonest regarding the school make-up work she claimed to have done, so she was supposed to take that with her and complete it. R was also supposed to complete an overdue school assignment. Neither of them even took any of that stuff with them, so of course, it isn’t anywhere near done.
Well, as soon as G realized that Sam had the temerity to be displeased with her about not doing her homework, she got hysterical. She has now been crying for most of the last two hours, right through a trip to Lowes. She wants to simply throw herself on the bed and wallow in it, and we’re refusing—she needs to just get over it. Yes, she’s in trouble, but it isn’t as if anyone has pitched a screaming fit or anything. She keeps sobbing, “I hate my life!”
It doesn’t help that she skipped her medication at least one day of the trip. She’s particularly sensitive to the effects of that.
R is not dealing with it well—nobody is. I’m really glad shadowkatt is in Athens. We have Tension Tamer tea brewing but I doubt it’s going to help much. R is, however, trying to be helpful. That’s really encouraging.