Thanksgiving Report

It was a very good Thanksgiving. goddessinga and greyknight arrived Wednesday night with Son and Little Miss. She and sambear immediately entered into conspiratorial kitchen stuff. We got more of the house stuff done, then gamed for a bit. We got up the next morning and got the house all lovely (everybody helped —I love my family!) while our cooks continued to make everything smell great. Katie learned to make French toast, pecan pie (that was GOOD!), squash casserole, and real mashed potatoes this holiday. I forgot to get the stuff to make pear salad—oops 🙁

People because arriving around noon—James first as usual, then Ron and his lady Dianne, followed shortly by the entire Bridges clan (John, Bill, and Jane with kids James and Caitlin). Alisa & family were running a bit late but joined us soon enough. We ended up with 19 people—12 adults and 7 kids ages 7 months to 15 years old. We really missed mique_mique, who was too tired from the insanity of her current work schedule to do anything yesterday. And we missed R and G, too, of course.

We did have some really incredible good food. sambear pretty much has the art of the turkey down—it was moist and yummy. The ham was delicious. I can’t even start to list everything else, but I have to say that if you ever get the opportunity to sample the Death by Chocolate cake that greyknight makes, DO IT! It has Grand Marnier in it, though, and I’m such a lightweight drinker that I was dizzy after eating just one piece of cake.

I don’t think anybody but Little Miss actually napped after dinner, but most of us were very, very peaceful. We had some nice conversation and everybody took home leftovers, so we aren’t as worried about food going bad (that happened last year). We considered gaming more last night but were just too sleepy. In fact, sambear put me to bed by about 8:30 because I was curled up on the couch with a quilt. Then he brought me coffee so that I could sip it while soaking in a lovely bath this morning, listening to a lovely story he made up just for me.

The fridge is extremely full. The kitchen is clean (that goes SO much quicker with extra hands!). The house is still fairly clean—heck, I even made up the bed before leaving our bedroom this morning (that’s so rare that I know my mother wouldn’t believe it if I told her). The laundry is even caught up! Son is amusing himself with the contents of the playroom. Katie is buried in Plan B. Little Miss is napping.

I got out the silk gauze stitching piece I haven’t touched in over a year and started doing it again, but I have to take frequent breaks—40 ct. (40 stitches per inch) is TINY! But I do love working with silk on silk.

And now we adults are gaming again (I wrote this during a snack break).

Current Mood: 🙂satisfied
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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