
So we’ve been kittened. Out of the blue. No warning at all. One minute there’s one cat in the house, and a cute kid rings the doorbell and before you know it there are three. They’re brothers, about six weeks…


Shelley has gone certifiably nuts. Though she has never, ever, in all of her 13 years, been permitted on the kitchen table or counters, she has decided today that the kitchen table is, in fact, the only suitable place for…

Woof Mrowl

Is there a rule that the animals have to actually talk to me, instead of anybody else who is awake? I was already in bed. First Zoë (the dog) comes to whine at me. She only does that when she…


If I weren’t terribly lazy today, I would be sending out emails for these two things. But I am lazy. I had another of those don’t-remember-any-dreams-but-feel-like-there-were-lots-of-nightmares nights. They aren’t ever restful. Hey _starrgirl_, this book sounds interesting. Apparently it’s been…

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