On Pagan Names

Why Not Moose? My personal name for the fluffy bunnies is Raving Silvermuffin. I’ve decided that I’m Raccoon Scufflegrit. There’s no reason for the second name. I saw it on a road sign this week and was inordinately amused. Edited…

Tee Hee :-)

I don’t like practical jokes at all. I’m fine with gentle gags, or April Fool’s jokes that are well-written satires. I just cannot stand anything mean-spirited, and all practical jokes are, in my experience. But I did something incredibly silly…

Poem: Some Clouds

Some Clouds –Steve Kowit from The Dumbbell Nebula Now that I’ve unplugged the phone no one can reach me– At least for this one afternoon they will have to get by without my advice or opinion. Now nobody else is…

WebMD Today

Since I know someone using shots while trying to conceive: FDA Approves Fertility Hormone Pen Devise Promises Simpler FSH Shots Hmm—I don’t know enough about herbs to have much of an opinion, but I’ll be more cautious of anything containing…

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