To be fair, Sam has really changed the way he lives a great deal since we first met five years ago. He has developed many good habits to replace bad ones. Those things really do far outweigh the issue of…
The Geek Who Understands You
To be fair, Sam has really changed the way he lives a great deal since we first met five years ago. He has developed many good habits to replace bad ones. Those things really do far outweigh the issue of…
I’m very frustrated. I keep picking things up off the floor. As much as I love him, sambear is constantly tossing things to the floor. Anywhere that he spends much time—his desk, his side of the bed, etc.—ends up being…
I haven’t put the “relationship diet” article on my web site because Sam was going to try to market it to a magazine. I don’t think I’ve posted it here. If I have, please forgive me and attribute the repeat…
Two interesting bits to share. First, I definitely admit that I’m not the most up-to-date person in the world as far as current events go. But why haven’t I heard a peep about this story? “The biggest news of the…
Some of these things I do already, and I find that they really help. Others—like the “NOT to do list” have never occurred to me, but I do believe I’ll start using them.
Five years ago today, sambear and I met at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Gwinnett. He got my email address from telynor and here we are 🙂 Current Mood: 🙂jubilant
If you’re a homeschooler in Georgia, the NW Georgia Girl Scout council has a pretty neat new program this year for your daughters. They can go to Camp Timber Ridge one day a month to participate in one of two…
ga_sunshine, you know perfectly well that I will not let a remark like that go. You aren’t allowing comments? Fine—I’ll just post my response in my own damned journal. Some of the words that come to mind when I think…
Why do we make good girls dress bad?
sambear just totally surprised me with a painting of me done by archway. I’m floored. Have I mentioned he’s a marvelous man? And she is a VERY talented artist! Beth’s gallery site
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