It’s important to remember that feminism is no longer a group of organizations or leaders. It’s the expectations that parents have for their daughters, and their sons, too! It’s the way we talk about and treat one another. It’s who…
The Geek Who Understands You
It’s important to remember that feminism is no longer a group of organizations or leaders. It’s the expectations that parents have for their daughters, and their sons, too! It’s the way we talk about and treat one another. It’s who…
You take your life in your own hands, and what happens? A terrible thing: no one to blame. –Erica Jong Current Mood: awake
It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument. –William G. McAdoo
Bishop John Shelby Spong, A New Christianity for a New World, 2001 When we human beings know love, we seem to grow. Love is present in embryonic forms in all aspects of life. It is seen when subhuman species of…
shadowkatt is laying in the floor of the sitting room, petting Shelley and exhorting Wizard to watch his language (he hisses every time he sees Shelley). Actually, she just bit him (after he bit her). He’s not used to humans…
From project_oasis: A Quote from Queen Latifah… When asked by Glamour mag, what advice would you give someone chasing a dream, when the odds are against them, her answer… “Well, the odds are always going to be against you, so…
This could be my motto: Always be ready to speak your mind and a base man will avoid you. –William Blake And what the hell does this mean to you? I’ve never been big on Dickinson: Anger as soon as…
He had to work late, because he took time off to take care of me and get shadowkatt to her allergist this morning. ::sigh I just talked to him and he picked up a car full of moving boxes—yay! That…
Once the realization is accepted that even between the closest people infinite distances exist, a marvelous living side-by-side can grow up for them, if they succeed in loving the expanse between them, which gives them the possibility of always seeing…
This Kind of Thing Doesn’t Happen Often and When It Does You Should Pay Attention –John Stone From Music from Apartment 8 i thank heaven somebody’s crazy enough to send me a daisy –e.e. cummings On Piedmont Road, going north,…
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