shadowkatt is laying in the floor of the sitting room, petting Shelley and exhorting Wizard to watch his language (he hisses every time he sees Shelley). Actually, she just bit him (after he bit her). He’s not used to humans who bite back. Kitty ears are sensitive and don’t have THAT much fur. I know he was neutered as a tiny kitten, but he doesn’t always act like it.
sambear has gone on a (supposedly brief) outing to Kroger.
curiousmay9 did return home yesterday and leave for her trip early, early this morning. I had asked her to do that, as she was really too tired to make a 6+ hour drive. I’m very happy she got the extra rest.
We expect waya and ottergrrl in less than an hour!
And the laundry is almost wholly finished!
Today’s SinFest is very good.
Good Quote:
If you want to see what children can do, you must stop giving them things.
— Norman Douglas
I need to get some warm slippers, the kind with the “treads” on the bottom for traction. I’ve never liked slippers, but in a house with tile, slate, and wood floors, they’re going to be a lovely thing.
Yay—I’ve figured out how we can put a king-sized bed into our room. I’ll just need to find very small nightstands that we like or a headboard with space for that built-in. I’d love one of those adjustable beds, but I don’t know that their mattresses are actually as good as others—and I imagine they’re WAY more expensive. It would be nice to be able to move the bed when I’m in a bad flare, though. Mounting small lamps that can be directed as desired would be better than having those big lamps (formerly from the living room) sitting on the nightstands, anyway.
Before the rest of us woke, sambear started working on getting the router up and running and getting the network cable strung to the upper floor in a temporary manner. He’s so sweet 🙂
We’ll soon be moving the litter box OUT of our bathroom, as the cats get acclimated to each other. That will be very nice! Sam and I just don’t sleep very well with Shelley (or any other critter) in the room. She will not be happy—she prefers being in our room or Katie’s room anywhere to being in the rest of any dwelling.