Over at Fibrant Living, I’m talking about ways to fight brain fog. That’s a problem for people with chronic pain, depression, and other disorders, and I’d love to hear about how some of you deal with it. I’m in a…
The Geek Who Understands You
Over at Fibrant Living, I’m talking about ways to fight brain fog. That’s a problem for people with chronic pain, depression, and other disorders, and I’d love to hear about how some of you deal with it. I’m in a…
My goodness. I think somebody over at Home on the Strange might have encountered one of those people who makes life so hard for those of us who really have invisible disabilities! Go on over and read the comic. I…
We did nothing, in this or any other life, to deserve illness. We aren’t being punished, nor are healthier people being rewarded. I’m all for finding out about the physical and biological bases of our conditions, as that information is…
A friend who still does volunteer work with Freecycle mentioned that someone asked a question on the big international moderators’ list. Does the organization have anything set up to honor moderators who die? The question hadn’t been answered officially yet,…
From project_oasis: A Quote from Queen Latifah… When asked by Glamour mag, what advice would you give someone chasing a dream, when the odds are against them, her answer… “Well, the odds are always going to be against you, so…
A dear friend asked about how to improve his chances of meeting someone and said that he doesn’t consider himself attractive. I do consider him attractive. After I wrote and sent the following to him, I realized that I need…
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