Abortion is NOT related to FMS!

I detest ignorant bigots. And I absolutely consider the following hate speech. From http://glenysluckymama.blogspot.com/2008/06/fibromyalgia-and-abortion-possible-link.html: So like an HPV diagnosis in someone would almost guarantee that others would know the person’s potential morals or lack thereof, and HIV almost always denotes…

Excellent article: Pregnancy & Fibromyalgia: Lessons Learned and Other Random Thoughts

ButYouDontLookSick has a marvelous article up today: ButYouDontLookSick.com : Pregnancy & Fibromyalgia: Lessons Learned and Other Random Thoughts. I’m in the “0.08% chance of that happening” group, like the author. I was sick all the time throughout my one successful…

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