Have I mentioned that I absolutely adore being able to actually DO something with my hair again? It takes maybe 5 minutes, and while I do need to use the hairdryer and the curling iron/dryer thingie to make it look…
The Geek Who Understands You
Have I mentioned that I absolutely adore being able to actually DO something with my hair again? It takes maybe 5 minutes, and while I do need to use the hairdryer and the curling iron/dryer thingie to make it look…
For the first time in nine years, my license has the right name on it. Finally. Smathers is gone, gone, gone. YAY! And the picture is even better than the old one 🙂
SQEEEE! I just heard from an old friend for the first time in YEARS! I’m so happy! Current Mood: 🙂ecstatic
LJ is all weird. Comments I’ve posted just aren’t there, so I don’t know if they were really posted. ::pout:: I have a Leatherman now, thanks to sambear! Yay! It’s the little Squirt model. My long-time multitool died during our…
Squee! I have my PDA back! Yay yay yay! I put it on its brand-new cradle (thank you Sam!) to charge and I’m following the instructions from Palm to the letter, so I won’t even try to turn it on…
YES! Arrest due in ‘Blaster’ computer worm case Okay, he isn’t the true originator of it, but he did make it more lethal. I still want the spammers who created the original drawn and quartered. The amount of spam I’ve…
Two interesting bits to share. First, I definitely admit that I’m not the most up-to-date person in the world as far as current events go. But why haven’t I heard a peep about this story? “The biggest news of the…
If you’re a homeschooler in Georgia, the NW Georgia Girl Scout council has a pretty neat new program this year for your daughters. They can go to Camp Timber Ridge one day a month to participate in one of two…
sambear just totally surprised me with a painting of me done by archway. I’m floored. Have I mentioned he’s a marvelous man? And she is a VERY talented artist! Beth’s gallery site
I’ve decided to collect compliments that have been especially meaningful to me so that I can look at them when I’m feeling down. Current Mood: 🙂happy
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