I’ve decided to collect compliments that have been especially meaningful to me so that I can look at them when I’m feeling down.
“I always feel welcome in your house. It feels like home.” From a long-time friend of Sam’s whose approval I had been worried about.
“I want to have a family and home like yours when I’m grown.” From one of the teens who spends a lot of time here.
“Yeah, she’s kinda like his ex-wife. Except for not being a pyscho bitch. And being smarter. And funny. And pretty. Okay, I guess she’s not that much like his first wife.” From someone who knows both of us.
“I may not like what you say but I know you’ll always tell me the truth with no bullshit.” From an ex-SO who is a friend now.
“All the poly people I’ve known are all fucked up. I’m trying to figure out why you’re the exception.” From someone who has been exposed to many poly people and seems pretty sensible.
“I don’t like kids. Except Katie. She’s a person.” From someone who is very happily child-free by choice.