Open Source Politics

I’m liking this site – thank you, immlass! I wonder if there’s an LJ feed for it already? Edit: Example of why it’s so good—Domestic Abuse And another edit: Thanks to paranoidandroid, there is a feed now! osp_feed

LJ and Life Changes

One way LJ has changed my life… 18 months ago, if I saw someone with pink-streaked hair, I just would have thought, “Interesting—I wonder how people react? How often does it need to be touched up?” if anything. And now…

Felton & Messies

I finished The New Messies Manual by Sandra Felton recently. It was very good, and I’d definitely recommend it over Flylady’s book. It isn’t condescending at all. There are a few mentions of Christianity in a very natural way, simply…

Education Quote

It is nothing short of a miracle that the modern methods of instruction have not yet entirely strangled the holy curiosity of inquiry. For this delicate little plant, aside from stimulation, stands mainly in need of freedom; without this it…

Search Questions

The site my school project team is redesigning is at Since the original designer didn’t bother with any useful meta tags, I doubt you’ll find it in any web search. The professor wants it to come up when people…

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