Cool Freeware

Yes, I’m up far too late. I’m too hyper to sleep at the moment—and I’m polishing my homework for tomorrow. Yes, it’s done, I’m just a perfectionist. And the danger of choosing interesting topics for one’s projects is that you…

Strange Email

Do you ever get utterly weird emails? I mean, inexplicably weird? I don’t have my email address on my web site in plain form, because I get enough spam already, thankyouverymuch. I have a form, and if someone REALLY wants…


Dammit, I’ve been joe-jobbed for the second time in about a week. It’s starting to feel personal. Edit: Sorry, I should have explain. A “joe job” is when a spammer uses someone else’s address in a spam. I’m getting hundreds…

PC Talk

The color printer is dead. Boo. Our scanner died recently, too. The kids’ webcam absolutely will not talk to the kids’ computer. We haven’t been able to get Andre, one of the older PCs, to boot after he was on…

Geeks at Home

Hmm. If there were some sort of community for home/family-oriented geeks, would you participate? I’m talking about a place to discuss things like family groupware. Or how to sync multiple PDAs so that you share family calendars while maintaining personal…

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