
He forced shoes on me

Comfy shoes. The most expensive shoes I’ve ever owned. I think it’s telling that I didn’t take them off as soon as I got into the car. Or into the house. Dear gods, what is the man doing to me? (I am barefoot now, but then I took off most of the other clothing, too.)

shadowkatt and her friend C saw The Two Towers while I went out to battle with the bureaucracy some more. Does everybody have this much trouble with school? I’m adding one more class at this late date in the session (one of my classes ends Tuesday!) to appease the financial aid people.

Anyway, the girls had a good time, and sambear scooped them up as soon as they came out so that they couldn’t be hit on by those who don’t understand that whole “jailbait” thing. I couldn’t help thinking while watching them go in that those two 12-year-olds need a bodyguard. copperscale, could I borrow your boy to look like a probable protective brother or jealous boyfriend, maybe?

While we were waiting for them, we got the aforementioned shoes and some miscellaneous bits we needed for the apartment. We also found a thrift shop with teen sizes that is sorta like a cheaper Hot Topic. It closed at 8, so we didn’t get a chance to take the girls there tonight. Katie has really been wanting to go thrift shopping. isarma, we need pointers!

My hair has been cut and colored by the magnificent W again. I’m a redhead for a bit longer. The butchery affected by the place that we picked randomly for trims while W was out having a baby will take at least another few months to grow out completely, though. Thankfully, my hair grows very quickly.

The shoes are part of the whole Cynfrastructure plan that Sam has. Did I mention the incredible bag he bought for me? It’s this lovely thing that feels like leather but isn’t really (no leather smell, so no embarrassing temptation to bury my face in it) and it has a telescoping handle and wheels. There are all these different sections, and should I ever acquire a laptop computer there’s a special place for it. I have to say that I already feel better for not lugging that bookbag around on my shoulder. In fact, I’m not even carrying a purse anymore. I’m getting spoiled. If I don’t need The Bag I just stick things in my pockets. If they don’t fit, I probably don’t need them. That is a HUGE change from constantly having The Mommy Purse in tow.

Next step in the plan: A good, king-sized mattress. And a laptop computer, which will allow me to do assignments while lounging in the recliner. Both require much more money than we’ve spent so far, though.

I can’t find a hands-free headset for my phone that fits. Those round earpieces are too damned big to go in my ears. No, really—my right ear feels sore from trying to make them fit! I want one of those that go over the ear. But then my glasses get in the way. I wonder if I could wear contacts again if I tried? I don’t have nearly as much allergy trouble lately as I was having the last time I tried the contact lens thing. Yet more money, though. But still, if I didn’t have the glasses on I could wear my pretty ear wrap/stud earrings. Not with the theoretical hands-free headset, though.

papilleau made me go read about Viridian Design. Really, it’s his fault I’m not doing my homework right now.

I need to go get more lab work done tomorrow for the rheumatologist. Oh, joy. Then I take Katie up to crawl around in a cave with the Girl Scouts. Better her than me 🙂

Oh, I almost forgot—happiness! The head of the SPSU math department approved the course description Agnes Scott sent over for my math course, so I got credit for precalculus! Yay! I don’t have to take ANY more math!

I’ve actually contemplated hooking up a webcam on my computer for the first time, like, EVER. This is really weird. I must need a good lie-down. But I’m too hyper. This may be the only time you EVER see that particular mood icon from me!

Current Mood: 😄hyper
Current Music: Sam trying to hang up the pantry door rack
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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