The Geek Who Understands You
This is my first net fix since Saturday! At least sambear FINALLY found out (supposedly) what the problem was. Supposedly our account was disabled in their system. They don’t know why—it was paid in full. We strongly suspect that it…
littlefirefae and real_pochacco‘s Guardian ad Litem is supposed to be here at 4pm to look over the house. I suppose she’s just going to make sure that we have bedrooms and indoor plumbing and food in the kitchen and so…
Hmm. I enjoy being able to read RSS feeds via LJ, but they do clutter up my friends page view. And I’m finding that I want to follow more feeds than my points are allowing. Do any of you use…
Happy Birthday semperfiona and sleepingwolf! Current Mood: 🙁sadCurrent Music: Puzzlebox – Some Assembly Required
First, my favorite quotes from today’s reading: If you scatter thorns, don’t go barefoot. –Italian Proverb The body is a sacred garment. –Martha Graham Man’s main task in life is to give birth to himself, to become what he potentially…
Good morning! I’m sure it is for someone, right? Okay, it isn’t a bad morning for me, except that my meds are being tweaked again so I’m back to the headache from hell. Hopefully it’ll be gone soon. And my…
Yay! Go us! We got the data copied over to the new drive (most of it— copying is still happening now, but it’s almost done). Samba is working very nicely. There are a few more things I want to tweak,…
To accomplish our destiny it is not enough to merely guard prudently against road accidents. We must also cover before nightfall the distance assigned to each of us. -Alexis Carrel We put the new hard drive in the server. We…
littlefirefae‘s teacher needs to read this… Current Music: “Gulf War Song” by Moxy Fruvous
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