Utter Randomness

First, my favorite quotes from today’s reading:

If you scatter thorns, don’t go barefoot.
–Italian Proverb

The body is a sacred garment.
–Martha Graham

Man’s main task in life is to give birth to himself, to become what he potentially is.
–Erich Fromm

Well, first more randomness&hekkip;

I love this computer case! Thanks jenk 🙂

I had no idea that there’s a Pulitzer for criticism. The guy who wrote The One Ring, The True Sword got it, though.

The cat just synched my PDA. Really. That’s a new one. I wonder if she added anything to the to-do list? “Open cans of tuna for cat” most likely.

I did a very stupid thing yesterday. A computer monitor was about to fall, and I grabbed it by pushing my left knee up under it and grabbing it with my hands. Unfortunately, the position I was in meant that I really used my lower back muscles, and that was bad, and I pulled something. And it triggered a major pain flare, which is still with me. I don’t like to whine, so I’ll stop now.

That, however, is why I did not accompany shadowkatt and sambear to curiousmay9‘s place today. They and she and her friend got the rafters up for the studio! Roof raising is Saturday. I’m hoping I can be useful by then.

I have been geeking when able today. We had the CD burner in the Linux box, and that wasn’t working well—not user-friendly enough. I moved it to this PC, the one I use most often. Which was fine, except that it only made coasters. Hmm. Then the machine decided it had some sort of horrific low-level resource conflict and wouldn’t go into Windows at all anymore when the burner was hooked up. Hmph. The burner is back in the kids’ machine now.

The IDE controller integrated into this motherboard—gah. You know, normally, if there is a row of similar connectors, pin 1 is going to be on the same side for all of them, yes? At least, it has been on every OTHER motherboard I’ve worked on. And MOST of them also label such things. Not this little Data General, oh no. Pin 1 for the floppy cable connector is to the right. Pin 1 for the IDE connectors is to the left. And there are no labels except for the oh so helpful “hd1” and “hd2” which I could figure out for myself, thankyouverymuch. I don’t think they figured anybody would ever need to know that, as the case is built in such a way that it is very nearly impossible to get to said connectors anyway. My hands are not a pretty sight. I was wishing, very much, for telekinesis. Just a little.

Andre came home from goddessinga‘s place a few weeks ago. We started to rebuild him last night. We didn’t get very far, because he won’t give us a video signal. Nope, not a bit. Grrr. I need to dig out another video card and see if that helps. Maybe he’s just missing TomTom. (Those two are named for cats we used to have who were milk-brothers. We lost both to feline leukemia within a month of each other in 2000.)

We’re downloading Red Hat 9 ISOs now, so more geekiness ahead.

Current Mood: 🙁uncomfortable
Current Music: Kate & Leopold on the TV
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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