So if I were going to try IRC, since Trillian will let me do it quite easily, what servers and channels do y’all hang out on?
The Geek Who Understands You
So if I were going to try IRC, since Trillian will let me do it quite easily, what servers and channels do y’all hang out on?
Okay, I have sound on my PC again. That makes it far, far easier to know when someone has sent me a message because I’m not good about looking to see if anything is flashing on my taskbar. Now I’ve…
I must now officially declare that it is totally beyond my abilities (and priorities) to get caught up on LJ. There are well over 1000 entries since I last read everything, so I’m not trying anymore. Current Mood: 😐lazyCurrent Music:…
If this works, it is the first entry I’ve made from my PDA!
It’s been a while since I actually signed in to slashdot. I subscribe to the RSS feed on LJ and read any article whose headline catches my fancy. I signed in today and noticed new stuff that didn’t seem to…
I got up this morning to find fresh flowers, a heart-shaped box of strawberries and the aroma of muffins wafting from the oven thanks to sambear 🙂 And the first thing I saw when I walked out of our room…
I am this close to putting a new filter in Eudora that sends anything with the line X-Mailer: IncrediMail straight to the trash. All HTML mail is evil, but that crap is especially evil. In fact, whoever came up with…
Everyone looks spiffy with a Tux You need to have the sound on. Current Mood: 🙂amused
sleepingwolf is a God. He is. Thank you so much to everyone who helped! Current Mood: 🙂thankfulCurrent Music: Chieftains – Bells of Dublin
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