Oh wow. I’m listening to the B-52s Wild Planet album. The actual album. Like, on vinyl. One of the things unearthed in my parents’ basement this weekend was the first stereo I had when I was about 11. I bought…
The Geek Who Understands You
Oh wow. I’m listening to the B-52s Wild Planet album. The actual album. Like, on vinyl. One of the things unearthed in my parents’ basement this weekend was the first stereo I had when I was about 11. I bought…
sambear posted a picture of our kittens! They are much less peaceful right now—running around warring all over the top floor of the house. They don’t go downstairs much yet—I think the stairs are still just a wee bit much…
Stupid LJ question. How do I figure out what RSS/RDF feeds other than Slashdot are available? ‘Cause I sorta like morons.org and I’m hoping it’s there. I particularly like this article. In Mercury retrograde again or something? I have to…
Yeah, I’m talking too much today. I almost forgot that one of the things that was found at Mom’s house was a set of record albums—actual LPs. They went with the textbook for my music appreciation class in college. And…
Priceless moment this weekend: the look on several people’s faces when I casually mentioned that when my brother gave his old PC to Katie, she installed Linux on it. Herself. (Okay, I think she had to ask sambear one question…
I just saw a help-wanted ad seeking a “help desk garou.” So if you know any werewolves seeking employment, tell them it’s in Atlanta. But they’ll have to work with Windoze users, more’s the pity.
I’m really posting just because I wanted to use my new icon. Thanks tommydiablo! Not that the icon has anything to do with this particular post. Thankfully. Current Music: New Wave channel on TV. Sounds like The Police.
I do wish the webcam were working. Mica discovered my mostly-empty coffee cup and has developed a taste for Suisse Mocha (which will not be indulged, as I cannot imagine it would be good for him). I’ve had plenty of…
So I’ve got this fancy new LJ client, and I figure I should post something. Shelley is back to being unable to keep anything down. I guess it’s braised chicken liver time again. Unfortunately, (this is gross, okay?) the kittens…
Was it someone here or someone on a mailing list who mentioned the free online courses at the HP Learning Center? Whoever it was, thank you. I’ve signed up for several of them. I’ve always been totally overwhelmed by Photoshop.…
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