Bloody Spammers

Thanks to Spamcop’s filters, I’m not really seeing any virus-infected messages in my inbox. I am getting the bounces and some other responses from messages that spoofed my addresses, though. I can only hope that the individual(s) responsible for this…


I’m not at the birthday dinner for one of my dearest friends, because I feel like crap. I’m beating myself up. It doesn’t help to do it, but I feel guilty. Today “doing my best” means staying home where I’m…

School Nonsense

Hmph. Mercer did, indeed, send my full transcript to SPSU back on 6/17. Wouldn’t you think that nearly two months would be enough time for SPSU to get around to evaluating the rest of my credits? I mean, hey, it’s…

PDA Woes

I have to return my PDA to Palm yet again because its battery still won’t charge. We never did find the power adapter for the cradle, so we bought another and returned it when it still didn’t work. And we…

Nuts (& Bolts)

Another nuisance: the baby bed has four bolts and nuts. We found three of the bolts last week—they’d been in G’s jewelry box, of all places. No nuts. Now I have the fourth bolt and all four nuts, but I…

Silly Git

Look, if you’re going to send an instant message to a complete stranger, is it really too much trouble to type out real words instead of “how r u” or “a/s/l” ? Need I note that such approaches guarantee either…

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